Energy saving measures in the Bohemilk company

Energy saving measures in the Bohemilk company
Energy saving measures in the Bohemilk company

Project location: Opočno

Year of realization: 2019

Amount of investment in CZK without VAT: 38 000 000

Year energy savings in %: Neudáno

Year financial savings in CZK: Neudáno

Part of the modernization was the installation of a new low-emission steam boiler with an output of 8 tons of steam per hour (6 MW), which mainly provides technological steam for dairy production. Furthermore, other accessories of the steam boiler room were replaced, ie the water treatment plant or the measurement and control system. Other operational and administrative buildings (outside the main production unit), which have so far been heated by steam, have been newly gasified and heating is now provided by decentralized hot water boiler rooms or gas hot air units.