Conversion of steam heat supply system to hot water

Project location: Janské Lázně
Year of realization: 2019 - 2020
Amount of investment in CZK without VAT: 117 000 000
Year energy savings in %: Neudáno
Year financial savings in CZK: Neudáno
The total length of the pipeline routes that were replaced is more than 4 km, at the same time a central steam / water exchanger station with an output of 12 MW was built. Due to the scope of the project, the construction was spread over two years. In order to minimize heat outages for customers, two temporary backup heat sources at LTO were located and operated during construction. The implementation directly affected 42 buildings, of which 16 were owned by the State Medical Spa Janské Lázně, 5 by the town of Janské Lázně and 21 other owners.
The transition from steam to hot water means a reduction in heat energy losses, which leads to lower fuel consumption, a reduction in CO2 emissions of 3,800 tonnes per year and an improvement in the environment.