EPC project in Vrchlabí city

Start of the project: 2020
Number of buildings: 5
Investments ex. VAT (CZK): 16 600 000
Guaranteed annual savings (CZK): 995 000
Duration of the project (in years): 12
The actual implementation of the energy-saving project was preceded by an analysis of the condition and consumption in individual municipal buildings. It showed that the highest savings could be achieved in two primary schools, one kindergarten, the castle, and the town hall.
Eight new boilers were installed in these buildings during 2019. Almost 700 light fittings were replaced with energy saving LED sources. The metering and control system has also been upgraded. The project also includes energy management for the entire duration of the project, which analyses data from local energy control rooms in each building. Summary information on the current status is available to ENESA's control room and the central city control room.
The environmental benefit of the project is a reduction of 1745 tonnes of CO2 emissions, which are the emissions released into the air during two shifts of a conventional 100 MW coal-fired power plant unit.